Postgraduate Student Research Support

RADMA has issued an open call for proposals under its Postgraduate Student Research Support Programme. The award provides support to talented mid-study Masters and PhD students for expenses directly related to:

  1. Postgraduate project support in the field of R&D management: up to £500 is available for Masters and £1000 for PhD projects.  The award will cover costs related to specific research activities, for example: data collection and analysis, training and associated travel and expenses
  2. Conference funding in the field of R&D management: up to £500 where the candidate is presenting a paper or £250 attendance only or presenting a poster.  The award will cover costs related to attending the conference, specifically conference fees, travel, subsistence and accommodation

While candidates can apply for project support and conference funding simultaneously, in the interests of fairness we will not normally award both to the same candidate at the same time.

For more information please email

Review dates and deadlines

  • January
  • March
  • May
  • July
  • September
  • November

The deadline for each review is the last day of the previous month.

Submitting your application

All applications are to be submitted as Word or PDF files to  Zipped documents cannot be accepted due to security risks.

All applications will be confirmed via email.

Download application form Download terms and conditions

Please note this Programme replaces our previous awards for Conference Funding and Project Support